Almost all of our clothing is made from natural materials and should be treated with particular care and love. This way they last longer and give you pleasure for a long time.

Hand-printed clothing

Especially the dresses from Turquoise, Kashish and Zen Ethic, which have been printed by hand, can show variations - that's exactly what makes each piece so unique.

  • Please hand wash the clothes in cold, separate from other clothing.
  • Use a pH neutral soap or shampoo.
  • Please do not soak.
  • There may be a little color showing in the water - this is normal and will disappear after a few washes.
  • air drying; do not hang in direct sunlight - this may cause excessive fading.
  • A small amount of fading may occur over time - this is normal and adds to the beauty of the clothing.

Cotton dresses (with or without embroidery)

Color variations may occur with cotton dresses. Again, these should be hand or machine washed cold (see recommendations for hand-printed clothing).

linen clothing

First of all, caring for linen items is easy and fairly straightforward - quality linen fabric is inherently strong and durable. However, if you want to get the most out of your linen dresses, we recommend the following options:

Linen items can be hand washed or machine washed - either method is fine.

Machine wash:
  • Please wash separately from white, dark and colored laundry. For best results, wash separately from other fabric materials.
  • Wash in lukewarm water (<30°C/104°F). High temperatures can cause shrinkage of up to 10% and weaken the linen fibres.
  • Please use the gentle cycle and do not overload the washing machine.
  • Use mild detergent. Do not bleach.
  • Hang to air dry. Do not tumble dry.

hand wash:

  • Fill a small container (bucket or sink) with lukewarm water and add about a teaspoon of mild detergent.
  • Soak the linen garment in lukewarm water and let it soak for about 10 minutes.
  • Gently rock the garment back and forth. Do not wring, twist or scrub as this can stretch the fabric.
  • Drain the soapy water and rinse several times until the soap residue is completely removed.
  • Hang to air dry. Do not tumble dry.